
We value the importance of issues and concerns from all stakeholders. A wide range of communication channels are available to actively communicate with interested parties in the hope to achieve a win-win outcome for all

Interested Party Company Practices/ Communication Channels
Employees  - We follow the Code of Conduct set by the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC): Respect freedom of choice of employment; anti-discrimination; anti-forced labor; no child labor; workers’ right to freedom of association; reasonable breaks and compensations for everyone; fair wage based on industry regulations and market standard; safe and healthy work environment that is in compliance with local government regulations for all employees.
 - Setting up Employee Welfare Committee and Occupational Safety and Health Committee. Host regular meetings and seminars in order to promote and enhance employee welfare and to set up policies and procedures to enhance employees' occupational safety awareness.
 - Utilizing the company’s internal e-mails and bulletin boards to establish two-way communication with the employees, so that employees have better understandings of the company's development strategies and directions.
Clients - Our advanced technology enable our products to meet the market demand. Our innovative technology and timely customer service/communication allow us to be a reliable and preferable partner for our clients.
- Automated production line allows our company to reduce production costs. Timely delivery increases products competitive advantage for our customers.
- Adhere to client confidentiality. Dedicated business unit to solve client business issues.
Investors - Keep the investors abreast of business operations on the company website to display earnings announcement, annual reports and relevant information.
 - Use shareholders' meetings to help investors understand the company's situation , bringing together a wide range of investors’ suggestions.
 - Set up spokesperson and a dedicated Investor Relations email address to better receive investors’ valuable suggestions.
Suppliers - Utilizing supplier evaluation system to develop and maintain good relationships with excellent suppliers.
 - Visit our suppliers to ensure that the raw materials are delivered on time. We also feedback the material quality to our suppliers. We make certain that our suppliers keep our company’s and our clients’ confidential information secured so that the technologies of products are well protected.
Company Spokesman
David Chou
886 (2) 82277755
Acting Spokesman
Su Yung Wu
886 (2) 82277755
Contact Information:
John Wang
Tel:886 (2) 82277755


Contact Information:
Jake Lin
Tel:886 (2) 2658 7718 #7307

Contact Information:
Lloyd Chang
Tel:886 (2) 8227 7755 #2500